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Saturday 30 May 2009

Nothing much, just summer

It always amazes me to look at lush green of late May and try to imagine the way it looked in winter-time. It's so hard to believe there ever been snow, and bare branches, and dead grass. It's so human, this not being able to belive...

Friday 29 May 2009

Don't you think that eating outdoors is the major fun of going for a walk? Well, ask your children if you have any doubt.
On a fine summer day like this I like to buy ice-cream or a cup of coffee and to sit somewhere in Alexandrovsky garden watching people and enjoying weather. And I'm not alone in my habbits.

Thursday 28 May 2009


Gorgeous lilac bursting in bloom in Alexandrovsky Garden.

More photos on my extension site.

Wednesday 27 May 2009


3-4 days after a new moon a crescent appears for the first time in the month. Last night was quiet and clear, and bright gold of the moon was shining against the deep-blue velvet of the sky. You can tell the next day weather from the way the crescent look: if you can 'hang a bucket' on it, tomorrow will be sunny, otherwise expect a cloudy day. Well, we are having a perfect summer-like weather today to prove that belief.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

On a week day Sokolniki park in rather empty, and little trains look lonely in waiting for children to ride them.

Monday 25 May 2009

Every evening the sun goes further west. Lush foliage screens sunsets from my sight but makes last light of the day more beautiful.

Sunday 24 May 2009


Dandelions are in full bloom in Moscow now. When the weather is sunny you can see their golden head all over grass-plats. I like those little sun-like things, they make the city brighter.

Saturday 23 May 2009


I believe I have already posted some photos of this little street in central Moscow. Kamergersky alley connect Tverskaya and Malaya Dmitrovka streets, it's a walk area and very popular with moscowites.

Friday 22 May 2009


This is my contribution to Skywatch Friday. I took the photo in Sokolniki park, by the observation wheel - I just liked the way an empty gondola looked against the cloudy sky. Another photo on my extension site.

Have a nice week-end!

Thursday 21 May 2009

Chess club

Chess used to be extremely popular in USSR so there were numerous chess clubs all around the country. It is necessary to mention such clubs based in city parks: people of all ages, but mostly elgerly men, gathered in parks and spent time playing chess, sometimes from morning till night, sometimes notwithstanding disagreeble weather. Since clubs were popular, parks were furnished with tables and benches, wooden as a rule, so that players could spend their time comefortably.

Nowadays, number of chess clubs is significantly smaller but still on a fine summer day you can see a group of people crowding around chess boards in some or other city park. I kind of spied on them when I walked by so here is the photo for you (and another one on my extension site).

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Side street

This is one of the small streets in central city. Most of them are alike so this one is rather typical.

And, by the way, check my travel site for more photos from Israel.

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Big wheel

That observation wheel in Sokolniki park was definitely missing visitors yesterday when I happened to walk by. On a fine week-end it must be crowded but Mondays are not that busy. So I couldn't miss the opportunity and took a ride!

Monday 18 May 2009

I watched the Eurovision show on TV on Saturday night and I loved some of the songs so much that I downloaded them later. My favourites were: Israel, Estonia and Iceland.
Did you see it? Which did you like the best?

P.S. Another photo on my extension site.

Sunday 17 May 2009

Cathedral of the Dormition of the Theotokos

This church is located in a small side street of central city. It was built about 1675 to replace a wooden version of 50+ years old. After revolution of 1917 it was turned to sewing workshop. Restored in 1990s, the building is used for its original purposes now.

Saturday 16 May 2009

Coffee and Lemon

It's been a little while since I posted a photo of coffee cups. Well, here you are!
Enjoy your week-end!

Another version on my extension site.

Friday 15 May 2009


Gift traders around Kremlin and Red Square are waiting for their customers. Their major take are foreign tourists, of course.

Thursday 14 May 2009

Pear-tree in bloom

Wonderful summer-like weather changed to chilly and rainy autumn-like, but trees are in full bloom. Just like this pear-tree next to my office.

P.S. More photos on my extension site.

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Street musicians

This string band can be seen by the beginning of Tverskaya St., in underpasses or walking areas, quite often. Performers may change but the set of instruments is usually the same, as well as repertoire. They play popular classics (like Vivaldi's Four Seasons) and they do it very well. In fact, they do it not to earn their living but for practice of public performance because these young people are students of music school or conservatory. But whatever their purpose is, they are capable of giving you some minites of pleasure, and I often stop for a while to listen when I walk by.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Due to global crisis I've got extra holiday every week, and today I spent it with much use: I have washed windows in my appartment so now they are clean and shiny. And the foliage outside is so lush that one can't help singing with joy.
Oh, if you only knew how welcome is summer over here!

Monday 11 May 2009

Field pansy

This is a kind of violets which in Russian is called 'Anuta's Eyes' (Anuta is a gentle name for Anna). They are very popular for their brightness and unpretentiousness.
I like them, too.

Sunday 10 May 2009

Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery

This is the above-gate Church of Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery in Moscow. It's located on the city center and is known since 1377, at least. During Soviet Era the monastery was closed and for a long time forsaken. However, in 1992 it was open again and several years ago the restoration began, so now some of the buildings (like this church) are available for full observation.

Saturday 9 May 2009

Victory Day

Today Russia celebrates 64th anniversary of the great Victory over Nazism. This is the day when we thank everyone who made today's peace possible and we remember the price paid for that.
But it seems that human memory is too short. Look at nationalistic parties turning legal! Look at former SS-men greated as national heros only because they fought Soviet Union! It tortures me to see mankind forgetting its mistakes and losses.

Please respect the lessons of human history.

P.S. More photos on my extenstion site.

Friday 8 May 2009

We are about to have a long week-end thanks to Victory Day tomorrow. The rest of the globe celebrates the end of World War II today but in Russia it's shifted to 9th.

Meanwhile, we enjoy soft and sunny weather, and blooming is all around to please one's eyes.

P.S. Closer view on my extenstion site.

Thursday 7 May 2009

Final rehearsal

This morning those who live or work in Moscow downtown could watch the final rehearsal of the military parade. The parade is dedicated to Victory Day and to be held on May, 9th. Today I went out of office just in time to catch some photos of participating airforce. It was rather chilly and rainy this morning but nevertheless streets were full of curious idlers - and notwithstanding extremely limited access to the downtown! Really, people would go a great lenght for a rare show!

More photos on my extension site.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Getting back to work, it's so hard to find a minute for daily pleasures! Nevertheless, I try to manage taking springly pictures and sharing them with you.

By the way, I published the first portion of my Israel trip on my travel site.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

After too long winter and late spring a sudden summer rushed into the city. Well, it's not like real summer yet, but trees burst with new foliage and people ran out to enjoy sun and warmth. Alexandrovsky Garden is full of tourists and students, and falks from nearby offices take their time when returning from lunch.

It was a nice afternoon...

Monday 4 May 2009

Back from vacation

I'm back from my 2-weeks long trip to Israel. It was rich for magnificent sights and photo-worth impressions. I hope I'll be able to share with you at least some of them!

I have read all your comments and would like to tell you how much I appreciate them! Thank you.

Sunday 3 May 2009


And for a change .... a photo of myself!
In fact, I'm just boasting of my new dancing dress, but one has right to enjoy one's hobby, doesn't [s]he? :)

Saturday 2 May 2009

The Zoo

When both my husband and I happen to take our work laptops home our flat begin looking somewhat store-like. And it's very amusing to watch 'the evolution' of portable computers.

Here is a photo of our local 'laptops zoo'.

Friday 1 May 2009

Theme Day: Shadows

For May's Theme Day I chose the photo I took last year: I believe this is the best one on a subject of Shadows.

And don't forget to look at shadows from all over the world!
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


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