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Thursday 24 July 2008

Michael Lomonosov

This is the monument to Michael Lomonosov, a famous Russian scientist who lived in XVIIIth century. A son of penniless fisherman, at the age of 19 he walked from Arkhangelsk to Moscow (over 1200km!) to get education. In Moscow he pretended to be a nobleman and thus joined Slavic Greek Latin Academy where very soon he proved a brilliancy of his mind. Later Lomonosov continued learning natural science, literature, chemistry, physics, history and so on. He made a number of important discoveries and inventions, and his contribution into science and education can not be undervalued.

In 1755 great influence of Lomonosov helped to found Moscow University which was named after him later. In honour of its founder there is a monument in front of the oldest university building (that hosts Journalism Faculty nowadays).
More information on Michael Lomonosov can be found here.

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Summer heat reached Moscow and crushed the city. Everyone is trying to escape from melting stone jungles, and streets seem empty and lazy. However, there is always a bunch of workers, like myself, who make their way through white-hot city toward office and back.

Tonight, though, we got a slight relief by the way of thunderstorm so there is a hope for bearable night ahead.

Sunday 13 July 2008

Saturday 12 July 2008

Moscow Monorail

Monorail road was open in Moscow just a few years back. There is but one line of about 4,5 km long which connect only 6 stations. The line is located in northen part of the city and is used rather for fun. Although monorail is a part of Moscow metro system, special tickets are need to be bought(for the same price as original metro ones, though). Monorail trains consist of 6 cars and run every 10-15 minutes.


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