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Monday 28 December 2009

Frozen River

Looks like Moskva-river can not recover after low temperatures. Though it is only -3C in the city the river is covered with ice and looks frozen. Small boats waiting for the summer to offer river tours and outdoor dinners.
The tower in the middle (hi! to rules of composition :-) is a new hotel building and the bridge (named "Bagrattion" to favor the hero of 1812 Russian war with Napoleon) directs to the Expocentre exhibition complex (which is in my list for future presentation).
I am glad to return to Moscow after 10 days in sunny and warm Georgia to see my my lovely city in grey tones, again, but not that cold as it was when I was leaving it.
If you are interested in photos about Georgia, here is the link to my uncle's fantastic photos. As he is not strong in use of internet, I help him with posting. He is eminent person and strong professional, I am in love with his works.


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