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Thursday 19 November 2009

Mosfilmovskaya street

Mosfilmovskaya ulitsa. Mosfilm street. Goes along Mosfilm - Moscow Hollywood. The brawn building in the middle is the Swedish Embassy.

Grey is the main color of Moscow winter. The sun almost forgets about us, Moscovites, from October till February. But when the sun rarely retuns, it brings cold weather, moroz - we call it. And I do not like moroz at all! So let's keep winter grey but warm, and I promise to find the way to add color to my photos.

Now I want to say few words about the comments to my first post in this blog.
I did not realise that I have got all that kind and welcoming comments from you all, my dear new friends! You are so encouraging, thank you so much!

I was kindly appointed by Irina (yes, we have the same name!) to be group writer to this nice blog and to contribute to the huge work she was doing for almost three years. We do no know each other, so she is risking in a way, I think. Few days ago I decided to look at "Blog of Note" - Cairo/Ghisa Daily Photo, liked the idea of daily photos very much and was interested: how do things go in Moscow DP blog? So, here I am.

Irina, the founder of the blog, assures all the readers that she is here and keeps watching the blog and reading the comments!


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