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Thursday 31 May 2007

Moscow Metro: Dinamo station

This is kind of 'photo on demand'. Open in 1938, Dinamo is one of the oldest metro stations in Moscow. Architecture and decoration is quite typical for earlier days when every hall was unique. Nowadays only central stations have something special about them while 'outskirt' ones are very simple and hardly recognizable from each other.
Dinamo station was named after famous sport club and stadium located near at hand. It was one of the Olympic sites in 1980, today it hosts numerous football matches.

Wednesday 30 May 2007

City refreshments

Another version of the fontain in Hermitage garden. By the way, the word Hermitage is of German origin and means 'a place for solitude', and such places were 'must have' for Russian aristocracy in XVII-XVIII centuries. Hermitage could be either small pavilion hidden in trees and shrubbery, or a kind of little secret garden, or a quiet room in the big house. If my memory is correct, Hermitages were designed for and used by women.

P.S. More photos on my extension site

Tuesday 29 May 2007

What is it sparkling? Can I grab it? Why is it wet?!

Unfortunately, this photo didn't come as clear as I wanted it to, but I liked the story too much so I decided to share it with you anyway. This fontain in Hermitage garden was the most popular attraction with children of every age. Well, it's understandable: water is refreshing and harmless when the weather is that hot, and kids don't have to care about their looks as adults tend to do. Sometimes I grow a little envious.

P.S. More photos on my extension site

Monday 28 May 2007

Hermitage Garden

On hot days Moscow has but little entertainment to offer to those who stay in the city, but Hermitage garden is one of my favourite. Amazingly quiet spot in the very heart of moscow, this small garden is hidden behind busy streets and huge business centers. There is an open arena, which host various musicians now and then, and a dance floor. People come here with families and friends either to lay on the grass or to spend time in one of the numerous cafes, or to listen to the music, or to watch kids playing in the fontain. A number of festivals is held in this garden during summertime, and this is one of 'must see' places in Moscow.

Saturday 26 May 2007

Country in bloom

One more photo of 'bloom&blossom' serias, this time it's from country. And a few words I would like to tell you about living in country area. A significant part of Russians still live in small private houses, which are single-stored and surrounded by little backyard. Most villagers still do not have either water-supply or sewerage in their houses, and indoor bathrooms are extremely rare. Backyards are used for kitchen-gardens and orchards, which provide considerable addition to food allowance but also involve enourmous toil. I'm way too accustomed to the comfort of city life to live in a country-house, but many people wouldn't change their 'estates' and private kitchen-gardens for the questionable 'all-inclusive' apartment in ant-hill of the town.

Julia asked me whether Russian (or, rather, cyrillic) script can be used in this blog. Yes, it can. The question is whether your computer would be able to recognise it. For example, mine doesn't support Spanish script and some other kinds of specific fonts.

Friday 25 May 2007

Aroma therapy

Do you like lilac? I do, even though my tongue gets utterly confused while trying to say 'I like lilac' (make multiple attempts, at least 10 in a row, and you'll get my point). So even though admitting the fact sounds somewhat like articulation exercise, I do like lilac. Both blossom sight and scent catch me whenever I pass by, make me slow down and absorb that transient beauty. This year lilac blooms unusually early, 2-3 weeks before its usual time. To me lilac marks the beginning of summer; may be this is the reason why I like it so much.
Do you have lilac in your area?

P.S. More photos on my extension site

Thursday 24 May 2007


Oh, what a thunderstorm we had yesterday! There was heavy shower! and awesome lightnings! and stunning thunders! I loved it. So here is the illustration.

Abraham asked me whether I should see a doctor and take a prescription to buy any medicine. Well, it depends: some preparations may be sold to anyone and some require strict control over distribution. To tell you the truth, most medicines are available in any drug-store without prescription. May be, it's not as good as it seems, but I wouldn't like to see doctor any time I need painkillers, for example, or antipyretics 'cause time is way too valuable in such cases.
How does it work in your country?

Wednesday 23 May 2007

After rain

We had a bit of raining last night which relieved a little sufferings of megapolis. Well, this photo wasn't taken yesterday but it suited perfectly.
I took a day off today to recover my health and am enjoing laziness of a work-free time. And you take a good care of yourselves so nothing could spoil this wonderful season.

Tuesday 22 May 2007


Summer has securely setteled in Moscow (well, nothing can be secure for this climate, but still..), and I enjoy it a lot (unlike many other people who suffer from such a heat). In the meantime, hot days make air-conditioning work really hard and that fact already caused me a severe cold. My office is supposed to be 'lucky' as be have AC at all, but I have to go out now and then with a single purpose of getting warm. Slightly inconvenient, you know...

By the way, have you noticed I made a great job of labeling all my posts? It cost me a couple hours of work but I do like the result.

Monday 21 May 2007

Newborn needles

Something happened to my yesterday post so that commenting was not allowed, sorry about that. I have no idea what caused this change in settings for I didn't mean so, but now I doublecheck everything before posting.

But back to photos, I decided to give blossom a little rest and present this baby-branch of a fir-tree. Late May is that very time when conifers sprout and bloom. Have you ever seen pine pollen? You can do it nowadays provided your climate is close to Moscow one.

Sunday 20 May 2007

Still-life with peony

So I was sitting in my kitchen relaxing after a long-long-long working week when I noticed a petal fallen into just emptied goblet. I thought it might be a nice shot and - ta-da! - here you go.
Enjoy your weekend, and I hope it's as pleasant as you'd like it to be.

P.S. More photos on my extension site

Saturday 19 May 2007

Dominant white

And - here you are! - another blossom photo. I'm afraid this is still not the last one.
We have surprisingly summer-like weather over here: hot (+29C !!!) and sunny. The air, melting over asphalt, is filled with heavy odour of lilac, wild cherry, rowan and sun-warmed soil. City punds and fontains are most popular facilities these days. Beautiful season, indeed.

Friday 18 May 2007

Lighted Inside

Frankly saying, I consider this photo the best of taken by my digital camera. Apart from its unbelievable colours, the picture reminds one simple fact: we turn extremely bright and perfectly beautiful when inner light is within us. For me such a light is presented by Love, even though this word is overused nowadays. Love has many faces but every one is amazing in its way. A gift for Love, most precious one we possess, is often forgot and cast-off. Don't let it fade away, take it out, refresh its view - and you will be rewarded generously. Let your inner light turn on.

P.S. More photos on my extension site

Thursday 17 May 2007

Another portion of blooming

Well, I continue my 'blossoms photos' if you don't mind :)
I took this picture in one of the old and quiet neighbourhoods, where houses are still not higher than 5-6 stores and trees abound. I loved the colour accent given by those benches, and the place looks rather inviting, doesn't it?

P.S. More photos on my extension site

Wednesday 16 May 2007

Cherry blossom

If you haven't realized it yet, I'm going to torture you with 'bloom&blossom' photos for several days more, at least. It's just that I'm fond of blooming nature and the weather suddenly turned summer-like: the air temperature is 27C today! I don't feel it as I sit in air-conditioned office, but I'm definitely going to have a walk tonight! Accompanied with ice-cream, of course :)

P.S. More photos on my extension site

Tuesday 15 May 2007

Apple-tree in bloom

Did I tell you I was heavily dependent on weather conditions? Well, I'm saying it now to confirm. For some mysterious reasons clear sky and bright sunlight raise my spirits exceedingly, as grey clouds and raw air turn me into depression. But, luckily for me, the weather is perfectly fine today so nothing has spoilt my humour yet. Have a nice day, everyone!

Monday 14 May 2007

Sunny morning

Oh, finally it came - I can't believe! Sweet-scented blossoms' all around now!
It's nearly summer, it's warm and sunny! It's May, and high are hopes.

Sunday 13 May 2007

Historical Museum

One more 'postcard' photo. This picture presents State Historical Museum, its facade looking at Red Square. The house was built in 1881 for very purpose of domiciling a museum and remains so since. It has a fascinating architecture with amazingly bright details and it's one of the buildings 'framing' Red Square.

Saturday 12 May 2007

Colourful geometry

I had some trubles with connection to internet so I couldn't post sooner. But here it is: this playground attracted me by the rush of colours. I wish I had something like that in the time of my childhood!

As for photos taken in metro, I'm already preparing a series so soon I will introduce them to your judgement.

Friday 11 May 2007

Unthinkable matter-of-fact: Under ground

Recently I realized I haven't post any picture of Moscow Metro yet while it's the major type of public transportation within the city. In fact, this is the only way to get to any spot relatively fast during rush-hours, unless your destination is in a walk distance. I have to cross Moscow (which means to cover 50km through extremely busy streets) twice a day, as well as millions other residents and visitors, so metro is vitally important to Moscow, literally.
Some facts: Moscow metro was open in 1935, now it consists of 12 lines and over 190 stations (including connections). More information can found here.

Previous photos of 'Unthinkable matter-of-fact' series: Street, Road Signs, Phonebooth.

Thursday 10 May 2007

Texture in green

Enough of tumid words and postcard photos, let's relax on the soft grass bathing in gentle sunlight. The sun pretends to be shining today so I'll try to manage a little walk. Have a nice day, everyone!

More photos on extension site

Wednesday 9 May 2007

Victory Day

Unlike the rest of the world, Rissia celebrates Victory Day on May, 9th. Today photo shows the main memorial of the country - Eternal Light in Alexandrovsky Garden, by Kremlin wall. Hundreds of flowers will be brought here today as well as to other memorials all over the country. Those of veterans who's still able to do it will go out to meet their buddies, fewer and fewer of them every year.
As for me, I will visit my grandparents: grandpa who went to the front in first days of war, survived its horror and came back alive, and grandma who miraculously escaped from advancing Hitler's army and saved her only child. I will bring them flowers and thank for everything they've done for forthcoming generations.
And to those who sacrificed their lives fighting for their families, to those who fell far away from battlefield - an imperishable memory. Lest we ever forget them.

Tuesday 8 May 2007

The Red

It's been 62 years that World War II is over. It's long enough to blur the memory but let us remember that horrible war for those who forget their history are destined to reply old mistakes. So let as keep in mind why WW II began and what extremely high price was paid to end it.
I post this red rose in memory of lives given for victory and as a reminder of blood colour which is the same for all the people. We all are human beings regardless of our skin colour, religion we follow or language we speak. We all want the same - happy peaceful life for our children and ourselves. Please, remember my words when a politician tries to convince you that residents of one village are better than those of another or that neighbouring nation hates yours. This is not true. We have nothing worth fighting with each other.

Monday 7 May 2007

Out in the cold

Last weekend was rather cold and windy, it didn't feel like May at all! However, as it's supposed to be a 'summer season' now, many cafes set tables outside. But, in fact, it's too cold yet to sit in the open air, so tables are empty. The more mysterious looks this bunch of flowers that someone left here...

Sunday 6 May 2007

For those who's autumn-sick

I thought you might need a rest from tourist attractions topics so I chose utterly different photo today. Although it looks like chilly autumn day, this picture was taken but two weeks back, when I went to countryside. I believe that area became a bit greener by now but it felt somewhat uncomfortable then.

I also decided to create my own Daily Photo Map by listing DPs of cities where I've been at least once (I don't mean driving through but full stop and walking about). So here it is: St.Paul, US-Thessaloniki, Greece-Tenerife, Spain-Rouen, France-Paris, France-Minneapolis, US-Chicago, US-San Diego, US-Los Angeles, US-St.Louis, US-Las Vegas, US
I admit it's not a long one but, in fact, it misses several entries I'd like to see on DP map, such as dear to my heart Cedar Rapids and Iowa City (as well as other cities in Iowa), Gatlinburg in Tennessee, Zion in Illinois, Kawala in Greece, Kiev in Ukrain, Giverny in France and, of course, many cities and towns in Russia. I hope one day we'll be able to mark all the spots we ever visited.

Saturday 5 May 2007

Moscow Kremlin, Alexandrovsky Garden

(Today I will finish the story of Moscow Kremlin.)
Soviet era brought significant changes into this magnificent architectural complex. Some buldings were destructed, including a few gorgeous ancient temples, and some new were built instead. Golden double eagles on the tops of towers were replaced with enormous ruby stars (you can see one of them in the picture, on the top of the far pike). By the way, those stars represent a genious of engineering. Made of special (ad hoc) ruby glass, they contain superpower lamps, independent power generators and system of roller-bearings. Each star weights about 1 tonne kg, may hinge by wind like weathercock and all the stars actually shine during nighttime. And this is a beautiful view, believe me.

The photo above shows the north wall of Kremlin - the one facing Alexandrovsky Garden. Just to give you idea of sizing: walls are 5 to 19 meters high and 3.5-6.3 meters wide, towers are up to 80 meters high (in the picture: the one with a star on the top is almost the highest).

Friday 4 May 2007

Moscow Kremlin, Red Square

Today I continue to tell you about Kremlin and its history.
First presidal was built in XIIth century, with ordinary vallums and few wooden towers. As time passed, it experienced collapses and reconstuctions more than once; new temples and palaces were created within its walls and some of old buildings are gone forever. Its modern view Moscow Kremlin achieved by the middle of XIXth century when it was restored after horrible fire of 1812 and recieved its last additions before October Revolution.
The photo shows a part of Kremlin wall facing Red Square, although, as you can see, it is not red but rather grey. The thing is that the word for red - krasniy - in Russian also means beautiful. Well, it is not used this way in modern language but fairytails and historical names may contain such archaisms. However, let's return to the picture. A bround construction on the foreground is Lenin's mausoleum. (I'm not sure whether his body is still inside, but when I was 9 or 10 years old I was taken there for excursion, along with all my classmates. Nothing special, I should say, but I'm not dead people's fan anyway.) A yellow house on the background is Senate Building, now the President's residence.

Thursday 3 May 2007

Moscow Kremlin

This photo may look like a 'postcard' as well, although such shooting angle is rather nontypical. So today I present you Moscow Kremlin, the very heart of Russia. As you may (or may not) be aware, 'Kremlin' is a common word for citadel-like constuction which consists of a number of towers connected by strong walls. The courtyard within the walls usually contained sales area, temples and rulers' residence. In the case of war all the people took shelter in the kremlin; for that reason there always was a considerable reserve of arms and food in the towers, as well as some kind of water supply.
In old days kremlins could be found in nearly every Russian town, but only several of them survived through the centures. You can see them in Astrakhan, Rostov, Novgorod, Kazan, Moscow and few other towns.
(to be continued)

Wednesday 2 May 2007

The mess of times and cultures

I believe it can be found in any city (provided it is old enough) - a peculiar mix of various cultures at a single spot. How many cultural layers can you see in this picture? I found 4 so far: old Russian, Soviet, European and Japanese. Did I miss anything?

The photo was taken in a Japanese cafe at New Arbat Street, the very center of Moscow city.

Tuesday 1 May 2007

Theme day - City Exchange

Don't worry, you haven't mistyped the URL and this is really Moscow Daily Photo, although it may look like London. This phonebooth is located by the entrance of the british-styled cafe - 'a pub', as they call themself. Well, it gives an interesting atmosphere to the surrounding, and I like the brightness of its colours.

Other cities participating: Monte Carlo, Monaco - London, UK - Singapore, Singapore - Tenerife, Spain - Rotterdam, Netherlands - London, UK - Montrйal (QC), Canada - Melbourne, Australia - Naples (FL), USA - Bastia, France - Hong Kong, China - Mazatlan, Mexico - Buenos Aeres, Argentina -
Manila, Philippines - Arradon, France - Madison (WI), USA - Evry, France - Seoul, Korea -
Shanghai, China - Bucaramanga (Santander), Colombia - Sequim (WA), USA - Singapore, Singapore - Budapest, Hungary - Baziиge, France - Hamburg, Germany - Toruń, Poland - Nelson, New Zealand - Madison (WI), USA - Vantaa, Finland - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Mainz, Germany - Dubai, UAE - Saint Paul (MN), USA - Cork, Ireland - Stockholm, Sweden - Menton, France - Tel Aviv, Israel - Albuquerque (NM), USA - Kitakami, Japan - Stayton (OR), USA - Szentes, Hungary - Stavanger, Norway - Grenoble, France - Villigen, Switzerland - Paris, France - Hyde, UK - Joplin (MO), USA - Jakarta, Indonesia - Greenville (SC), USA - Cape Town, South Africa - Asheville (NC), USA - Seattle (WA), USA - Kyoto, Japan - Tokyo, Japan - Madrid, Spain - Auckland, New Zealand - Oulu, Finland - Lubbock (TX), USA - Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Baton Rouge (LA), USA - Sydney, Australia - Maple Ridge (BC), Canada - Vancouver, Canada -
Seattle (WA), USA


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